Sweet and Sour Meatballs

Sweet and Sour Meatballs

Sweet and Sour Meat-A Balls. Viewing all the Olympic activity this month you will need lots of gold metal nibbles to enjoy while watching. Chicken wings with all the frying, the cost for a few dozen and finding that the frozen store bought ones taste blah! Meat-A Balls! Easy to assemble and 10 bucks worth of ground lean beef burger, a jar of your favourite BBQ sauce and you got a yummy nibble. I made sixty bite size balls and used this recipe for the sauce. This is how I make this party favourite that makes any  party snack a tasty treat everyone will like. You will need;...
Vanilla Orange Cream Cheese Carrot Cake

Vanilla Orange Cream Cheese Carrot Cake

Vanilla Orange Cream Cheese Carrot Cake. My Mom made an excellent carrot cake. I don’t remember the amount of times that I sat waiting to lick the icing spatula. This recipe makes a delicious cake and is simple to construct. If you can let the food do the talking and use fresh ground spices and the better the ingredients the better the results. Set the oven temperature and get out all the ingredients in one area. This makes a quick recipe quicker and easy cleanup after. Now get your mixer and bowl and shortly you’ll be enjoying the rewards of good home baking....
Dill Pickled Beets

Dill Pickled Beets

Dill Pickled Beets My Aunt Marie was a founding church member that helped raise money by selling her home preserves. She was one very serious canner. I remember many visits to her house and smelling the delicious cooking aromas that lingered in the air. This next recipes was one of her best offerings and she would produce several batches which were presold each season. I remember as a lad helping her pick, clean and peel several baskets of fruit and vegetables for this purpose. She taught me lots of things about canning that I later found very useful in my career as a...
Lasagne Bolognese

Lasagne Bolognese

Lasagna Bolognese. Fresh made pasta is available at many deli’s or markets from the source. Or you can make your own homemade lasagna pasta (sometimes called “lasagna noodles”) with a dough made of flour and eggs, with or without spinach—or using just semolina (durum wheat flour) and water. But today, the dried packaged ready-to-use lasagna noodles available in the grocery store are really excellent. When using regular store-bought lasagna noodles boil them in batches. To avoid the noodles sticking together, place them vertically on the sides of the pot of boiling...
Double Smoked Pork Chop.

Double Smoked Pork Chop.

Double Smoked Pork Chops. One of the best country butcher grocery shops I found in Floradale Ontario is Earlidale Fine Meats. My trip to into the Mennonite county was with a purpose. I was needing to put some good pork on my fork. Were talking local county grown pigs. The ones where the farmer has a passion about growing the best he can. They all like to win awards at the agricultural fairs, and raising the best animals possible is how they treat the herd. I found everything I need here at this little deli store. Plus other stores in Elmira, Wellesley or St Jacobs because...